1. Architeq - Twilight
2. Private - My Secret Lover (Diplo Remix)
3. Ryo Miyashita - Bellydance At Ebisu
4. Phoenix - Love Like A Sunset (Shuttle Remix)
5. Gonjasufi - Ancestors
Killa Pips Showcase
Frank Zappa: Introduction
Frank Zappa: Catholic Girls [Segment]
Pinch and Moving Ninja: False Flag
Killa Pips: Scatterlogical Sky Jimbory
The Tuss: Synthacon 9
Venetian Snares: Integraation
Tsuji Anyo: Kaze ni Naru
6. Gold Panda - Quitters Raga
7. Luke Vibert - Hot Sick
8. A Sunny Day In Glasgow - Sigh Inhibitionist
9. Asura - The Eleventh